Enjoying life on the road. Simple and happy life :-)
"What better way, to do it on the ground rather than fly to a destination and go back, you never get to see the path."
So after a night at the Rastplats Dynekilen it was time to visit the town Strömstad. Here are som pictures taken.
Found an parkinglot where I could park the Kia car for a couple of hours. I then took the bicycle for sightseeing. Best way to explore is by bike.
A boat next to your balcony?
This is the "cold bath place" in Strömstad. Kallbadhus in swedish.
The smallboat harbour of Strömstad.
Nice area, a bit from town.
Quality Spa & Resort Strömstad, looked expensive. To expensive for my simple soul I guess.
Instead of roads, there are channels, waterchannel
These two folks don't look to happy to be in the picture, hahah.
Spa & Resort towards the water.
Free toilets in the middle of town. That´s always a good sign
Found a RV-parking lot, but it was not free.
Another parking lot that was not free. Not to many people parking here. Everything cost in Strömstad. It is a nice town, but not that tourist friendly.
Lots of manets (jellyfish) in the water. Brown burning bastards! But I have never been burned by one, only heard it hurts.
A cosily area. See right picture of bridgepicture.
Here you see the area that are on the left picture.
My trustworthy old Miyata MTB never lets me down.
I could live like this.. but to many jellyfish in the water.
A moving bridge. I think you needed a buscard for this?
Read the sign your self.
Another parking lot where you could not camp. There are too many signs of this.
Sweden, and north of Strömstad with a bicycle in front..
Use your imagination.
The spa from a distant, right next to the small harbour.
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